Northridge Church of Christ, 1001 E MacArthur St, Shawnee, OK 74804 - Phone: (405) 275-4180 - Email:

Children's Ministry

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Hiding the Word

"Hiding the Word" is the name of our children's curriculum for Cradle Roll-5th Grade! This is a standardized curriculum that is proven to help your child memorize Bible verses and also memorize various kinds of eternally important Bible knowledge. We have an amazing Children's Minister and a team of amazing Bible Class Teachers who truly are teaching the word of God from the Bible and modeling Spirit filled, Christ-like lives.

These Bibles classes are held Sunday mornings from 9:30AM-10:15AM and Wednesday nights from 6:45PM-7:30PM. Please ask for help when you arrive to find your child's age-appropriate Bible class.

And some big news - Northridge is remodeling and we have a New Children's Wing coming soon! Please join us! 

Children's Bible Hour
A creative time of worship, song, and activities for children ages 2 years through 1st grade! Bible Hour is conducted during the sermon each Sunday morning. This allows children (and parents!) to learn in an age-appropriate atmosphere.
Nursery and Cry Room
A staffed nursery is available Sunday Mornings during the worship assembly and a private "Cry Room" room is also available.